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A Description of Humanism
A life cannot be justified without its desire to give without reciprocity. The mind cannot survive on the gratitude of itself because man...
a garden
Nature reflects its youth in the glistening of recently watered roses, the dew that remains from the morning on the details of leaves an...
to live in this world (starting with a line from Mary Oliver)
To live in this world you will cling to earthly things in hopes that the void you carry will be filled, filled with the light of...
he would love her
He would love her until the last person spoke her name forever, if it weren’t for her, there would never have been an empty space, or the...
my mother
As spring awakens and wanders through the valley’s, her breath will recreate the warmth lost during the wine of years. With such...
connections of humankind
Black, this color reflects the burden we all carry, whether to care and react, or whether to watch and stay silent. It creates a sudden...
the truth of seclusion (a found poem with the words of Sean O'Neill)
It will always be unfair-- the world You can't fix “broken" so don't think everyone can be saved, lifted up. Please, take care of...
dilemmas of loving the world (a found poem with the words of Dr. Wicoff MD)
The generation of today’s society --- there seem to be more extremes -- both good and bad, less of an accepted norm, we see humans, but...
for David
There seems to be no love anywhere, anymore, for the boy who loved everyone, but not himself, everything caved in and there wasn’t a way...
the effects of birth
Being born out of love is a blessing, that is all anyone should ask for, so when your memories start to develop, you remember the...
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