Stage Ten
Day 797
Dear Dr. M,
I sit here writing to you in the middle of the afternoon,
my house is unfamiliar to me, and I have not seen you in two years.
Today is February 4th,
this marks a day that represents the fourth dimension;
a trompe l’oeil that deceives even the most perceptive,
only created to measure the amount of hours we spend succumbed to Surya’s blinding waves,
completely unaware of its static
as opposed to the circular and dynamic current we stand no chance against.
With its wholeness, totality, completion, and solidarity
each of us repress the thought of its power,
but not I.
The seasons, the winds, the phases of the moon are all in sync with
the perpetual tossing of this perfect number,
everything I came to know during these past years flooded my quiet times
throughout the days,
and now
I am tired.
I rest my head in a tetrad of God,
however I don’t know if He will take me,
maybe Saturn will instead.
Goodbye, Dr. M
my passion is too much for this planet,
I now take my leave in Cronos’s chariot
while sleeping in the Emperor’s flower garden.
look for me in the reflections of morning dewed windows,
for there I walk in one reality forever,